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Showing posts from September, 2019

How much does it cost to prepare for a bike ride?

Biking can be an extremely cost-effective means of transport, holidays, fun and more! However, purchasing all the equipment you need to go on a long-distance cycle tour can significantly impact your bank account. The Question Is: How Much Does All This Cycling Equipment Really Cost? Well, I never really knew the answer ... until I sat down a few days ago and found out everything (and the answer might surprise you)! What I did with this article is the basic equipment you may need for a long-distance cycle tour. In addition to each item listed, I have captured an estimated price (in dollars) for that particular item and have shown a sample photo of that item below its price. Details Check this Website . For example, The first item you need to buy for your bike ride is a touring bike. There are hundreds of touring bicycles to choose from but for the purpose of this article, I have selected one of the most popular and cheapest touring bikes available (the Surly Long Haul Trucker...